Monday, November 12, 2007


私は高校生になった時くらいからデーティングの事を考え始めました。時々男女交際はゲームのようなかんじなので私はいつもようじんぶかいです。女の子の友じょうは私には大切な物です。だから女の子と二人きりで会う時もあります。そんな時「これはデートかな?」と思いました。それは難しいですね。 でも付き合ったりする事をあまりかんがえません。

僕の考えは英語でGo with the Flowです。 日本語の意味はよく説明できませんけどつまり愛をさがさないで愛が私に来る事です。 来るかどうか分からないけどかんがえません。 そのような考えはいつもあたまにあればストレスがたくさんあるでしょう。 これを読んだ日本人分かるかな? 説明してみるのはだめだったかもしれない。


I wish we could have written in english about another topic because this one is so abstract. But for the translating pleasure of the Japanese here's the english:

I didn't really start thinking about dating until high school because the "dating" before high school was near meaningless. Sometimes, dating feels so much like a game that it's caused me to become cautious. I think I differ from some Americans in dating because I'm friends with so many girls and their friendship is important enough to me that sometimes I will hang out with them alone regardless of romantic feelings. During those times I've sometimes wondered, hwoever, whether or not I was on a "date" or not. But, to be honest, I don't think about it too much. I like to go with the flow, which doesn't translate to japanese very well, but in terms of dating it basically means I'm not really actively seeking anything out but I'll wait and see what comes to me, and not stress myself out about it.

I tried translating this into japanese before, but failed so I'll include it in the english instead. When I was in Japan, I noticed dating was much more private. I think, sometimes, especially when expressing love and feelings, this can be an unhealthy thing.

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